Time for ......
making better choices in my diet! Who doesn't think about this at the beginning of the New Year? I started this back in November because when I do this in January it never works. So far, so good. I've lost 12 pounds and gone down a whole size. Hurray, me. (Thank you, Jenny Craig!)
Time for .....
moving my bootay. And I mean in a cardio, fat-burning way. Bill bought me a gym membership for Christmas (which I haven't used yet) and my first subconscience thought was that he thought my bootay was getting a little bit too round. But then someone pointed out to me that it was all in love and he really only wanted me to be healthy. The next day he went to the grocery store and brought me back an US/Weekly magazine with the Best Diets of 2011 - a 23-page special. Hmmm. I'm telling myself he bought me that because he knows what a kick I get out of the "fashion police" section and that it had absolutely nothing to do with my bootay.
Time for .....
a new Bible study. And what better than a Beth Moore home study! I am currently doing one of her Personal Reflections Series entitled David - 90 Days with a Heart Like His. Click on the link for its availability at Amazon. Available for the Kindle too! (Gotta get me one of these!) This series includes short daily devotions that don't take too much time (so you can't use "being too busy" as an excuse) but that help to get your mind right before starting out your day or laying your head on your pillow at night. Sections like, "When Husbands Wimp Out" and "Where to Go When it Hurts" - can you relate??
Time for .....
A STORY! It's hard for me to write a post without including some scrapbooking and here is one with that exact same title! This is Lucy and Grandpa. It is several years ago, she's FIVE now, but that is why I scrapbook, you know? To relive the precious moments of my life. So here it is:
AND it's Time For ....
a new job!! Yes, I wasn't even looking for a job, especially with our move to Oklahoma on the horizon, but a good friend was retiring from her sales rep job with a manufacturer's representative company and she put me in contact with the owner of the company. AND guess what the territory is? Oklahoma! Crazy, huh? So I will be representing several scrapbook manufacturers and gift lines to scrapbook and gift stores across the great state of Oklahoma, a bit of North Texas, and a bit of northwest Arkansas. I am soooo looking forward to this but am scrambling a bit as it means a frantic trip to Los Angeles in two weeks for a trade show (CHA).
Frantic? Yes. Scrambling? Yes. So what the heck am I doing sitting at the computer writing this blog? See you!