Dearer than our children are the children of our children.
- Egyptian proverb
It is so hard to believe that I have added another grandbaby to my brood. So here's a list of all of my grandbabies in order of age:
- Jacob (age 5)
- Ella (age 5)
- Lucy (age 5)
- Jaxson (5 on Wednesday! - Happy Birthday Jaxson)
- Jerrin (age 4)
- Amelie (4 next month)
- Mason (age 3)
- Morrison (3 next month)
- Landon (NEW! 10 days old tomorrow!)
And so I dedicate this poem by Jack Prelutsky to all the grandmother's of the world (and believe me I've felt this way before with all these grandchildren under 6 years old!):
Hurry Grandma hurry,
Grandma look at me,
I'm right side up, I'm upside down,
I'm swinging from a tree.
I'm jumping like a squirrel,
I think that I can fly -
Grandma please don't worry,
Grandma please don't cry.
Hurry Grandma hurry,
see what I can do,
I'm roller-skating backwards
across the avenue.
Here's a luscious little bug,
I think I'll take a bite -
Grandma stop your screaming,
everything's all right.
Hurry Grandma hurry,
Grandma watch me please,
I'm climbing up a ladder,
I'm dangling by my knees.
I found this giant spider
that was stuck in globs of paint,
Grandma take a closer look -
whatever made you faint?